Serious Business

I really liked one of the articles we read in class this week that provided ways to help brainstorm business ideas found here. I tend to have trouble coming up with ideas and found this article to be very useful.

I do have a couple ideas for what I want to do for my web business for my class this semester.

One involves not my own business, but helping my older sister and her friend who recently started a business create an online page to sell their product. I really like that I’ll be able to use the things I learn in this class to help them out. Their business is called Kokopelli Cocoa and it is a hot chocolate business. Using a personal recipe, they are selling cubes of chocolate that you dissolve in hot milk. I’ve tried some of their hot chocolate and it was quite delicious. Because they have already has made their inventory, I think I will choose this idea for my project this semester.

My second idea is to start a business selling a card game a friend and I have been making. Because we are still working on the playtesting stage, the final product won’t be ready to sell this semester. I’m excited that I will be able to apply the things I learn in this class when our game is finished though.

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